Sunday, June 22, 2008

One Year Ago

It's funny how your mind flashes back to situations that happened, how vividly you can recall the events past and re-live them in your mind, even when you had forgotten them.

One year ago, Becky was working at a showroom at the World Trade Center in Downtown Dallas. She was 14 weeks pregnant with Titus, but really wanted to work this show with her friends.

It was 4:00pm when I got a call from Becky. She only said 2 words.

"I'm bleeding"

And then she sobbed.

Immediately my mind went to places I had not allowed it to go over the last 14 weeks. We had gone through multiple miscarriages in the past and knew all the signs. We thought we had passed all the milestones to show it was a healthy pregnancy after having numerous sonograms, including high-level ones, and hearing the heart-beat each over the last several visits.

But, here we were, on a hot day in June, and Becky had experienced a sudden gush of blood and tissue.

Helplessness was the first emotion I felt - I was 20 miles away and somehow how to figure out a way to get to my wife and get her to her doctor at the hospital. And also knowing, there was nothing I could do to change what was happening at that point in time.

I got in my car and flew down the tollway. I made it down there in 15 minutes (which at that time of day in Dallas is a miracle in itself - and the fact I didn't get a ticket.) Becky was experiencing a comedy-of-errors as security was trying to get her out of the enormous building to the car.

When we saw each other, we both had fear in our eyes. And yet, it still amazes me how God can also produce calm and peace during such a time. As I drove to the hospital, we prayed and prayed.

Upon arriving, the staff was ready for us and immediately put Becky in a room and got her hooked up to a fetal monitor. And at that moment, we heard the most precious sound - a strong, beating heartbeat of our son. After sonograms and examinations, it turns out Becky had a moderate case of placenta previa. After a few weeks of bed rest, she was back on her feet again.

I had mostly forgotten the events of that day until Becky asked if she could work Market again last week. In the last 7 months, we have had so many life-threatening situations with Titus, but God has destined my boy to be a fighter, a survivor, and has an incredible plan for him.

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