Thursday, April 23, 2009


Titus did good on his swallow study yesterday. We can start giving him small sips or formula to work on his swallowing muscles.

As the day progressed yesterday, Titus became more and more congested. His breathing was struggling a bit and since they were out at doctor's appointments, they didn't have the breathing machine with him to provide him a treatment. So, his ENT appointment was cancelled and we have bumped up his breathing treatments the last 24 hours. He's not running a fever and is being his normal self, but he will start coughing or wheezing and his secretions are increased.

We will be increasing his breathing treatments over the next few days and we've increase his oxygen, but we cancelled his opthmalogist appointment in Houston for Monday since this is the type of thing that would keep him in the hospital indefinitely if he were to go under anesthesia.

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