Monday, March 29, 2010

Busy Weekend

We had one of the busiest weekends. Normally, weekends around our house are pretty relaxed, but the last 72 hours were non-stop.

Friday night, Tucker had his first baseball game. He was SOOOOOO excited to get out there and play. He did a great job of listening to the coach. His team only had one practice due to rain and spring break, so they still have some basics to work on (for example, drop the bat and run to first base when you hit the ball - don't just stand there.) But the key thing was, he had fun! And he had huge cheering section there with his entire family, grandparents, uncle, and puppy in the stands.

Saturday, I had a deacon kick-off breakfast for our deacon mentoring process. I am excited about mentoring Brian R - one of the guys I've known for the last couple of years - and I will say our church has a great process for bringing on new deacons and training them on "through the dust" service.

Becky left Saturday morning with the boys and Ashley K.  to take her 1/2 way back to Houston. She met Ashley's parent's in Buffalo, TX and then visited for awhile at the best bar-b-que spot in Tx. Titus stayed home with Nana until I could get home from breakfast.

After breakfast, I swung by the car wash to clean up Becky's suburban. We have the best carwash in McKinney that's cheap and provides a self-service vacuum spot. As I am vacumming the car out, the 30 mph winds we were experiencing Saturday slammed the door shut (along with the car keys and my phone inside), and then I heard click and all of the sudden I am locked out of the car at the carwash. There's nothing like standing next to your car at the carwash for 45 minutes explaining to everyone who drives up to use the vacuums that you locked yourself out of the car to teach you humility.

When I got home, I put Titus down for his afternoon nap. When he awoke, I took Titus to the mall to finish up some shopping for Becky's birthday. It was a fun little trip - just the two of us. I have always taken the boys out shopping at Christmas and birthdays, but this was the first time it was just me and Titus. He was quite talkative in the car and smiled at all the ladies in the mall.

Sunday was a whirlwind. I taught Sunday School, but we were a little late as we took time at breakfast for Becky to open her gifts. Then we went to Snuffers for cheese fries and hamburgers (basically, a heart-attack on a plate of artery cloggin cheese and grease - but hey, it was Beck's birthday). After lunch, we took Noah to FBC Allen for the Collin County Associational Bible Drill. He got a PERFECT score. I was so proud of him - he has diligently applied himself and studied all year. He has now qualified for the Texas State Bible Drill in a few weeks.

On the way back to the house, we had to stop and celebrate at Braums with some ice cream. We sat and laughed with friends from church while wolfing down more ice cream/fat that probably did more artery cloggin than necessary for one day (but now we had two things to celebrate).

Back at the house, we did a quick clean up in preparation for Moral Innocence class while watching the Baylor vs Duke game. Baylor did great -wished they would have won. I don't think I have seen so many Baptists on their knees in a long time.

We have 8 couples joining us for the next 8 weeks for Reflections of Moral Innocence. What a great class and great couples! We have taught all of these couples at some time over the last few years, so it's always a blessing to have them back in our home and see how they are progressing with their parenting skills.

So in a way, after such a whirlwind, it's kind of nice to be at the office sitting still today. I'm headed off to Denver for a few days this week and then I'm looking forward to the celebration of Easter this weekend.

Titus seems to be doing better, but we will have him checked out with the pediatrician this week to assure his ear infection is clearing up and the fluid behind his ear has gone away.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ear Infection

Titus went to our pediatrician yesterday and we found out he has an ear infection in his left ear. Today, he had a regularly scheduled appointment with our ENT who also confirmed the ear infection. Since the ear infection is in his left ear and that's the ear he has his cochlear implant, the fluid buildup could cause some other issues if not resolved quickly. Titus had tubes put in his ears over a year ago, but the tube in the left ear has fallen out, therefore allowing the fluid buildup.

We would appreciate your prayers for quick healing of this ear infection and that no other complications would ensue. As a last resort, they could go in and re-insert the tube in his left ear. While this is a very short, minimal risk type of surgery, it would require Titus to undergo anesthesia - and that's always an issue with Titus. The ENT has switched his meds to something more powerful and we will follow-up with the pediatrician in the next few days to check the progress. But I also know that our Heavenly Father can heal faster than the strongest antibiotics. Thanks for your prayers.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


If only for a few days, it feels like Spring has finally sprung in Dallas. Of course, the first day of Spring, we did get 6 inches of snow, and it's raining again tonight, but the last couple of days have been absolutely beautiful.

We sat in the front yard after dinner and let the kids play. The sound of their laughter is truly a delight to our ears (and we pray the neighbors feel the same way). But since a picture says a thousand words, enjoy these "stories".

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Aidan's Home

Aidan is home - and was quite surprised to see his mom and 3 brothers along with family friends waiting for him at the airport. He had a wonderful time and has lots of stories to tell. I'm sure he will talk non-stop all the way home from Houston. I'll have him provide an update on his trip so you can here from him his story. Thanks for praying for him while he was in Belize.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Break

Becky took Noah, Tucker, and Cade to Houston with her to visit friends for a few days. And so today, they had to do what all spring-breakers do in Texas - GO TO THE BEACH! Of course, it's still a bit chilly, but they are having a great time.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wheels are Off!

So many things happened last week that I am just now getting caught up. But one of the most exciting was for Tucker and Cade.

Last Monday, Becky's sister, Angela, was in town. She decided today was the day for Tucker to learn to ride his bike. (Now, you need to have a little back story - last time she was in town, she decided Cade needed to learn how to swallow a pill - and he ended up throwing up all over her when she stuck in his mouth). But Angela wouldn't let something like that deter her from her end result. She took off Tucker's training wheels, put him on his bike, and sent him down the street. Tucker was yelling "don't let go, don't let go" all the way down the street - and she had stopped way back. He took off like a shot and hasn't looked back since. We are now working on him stopping (instead of just falling off his bike like's he has been doing.

The next day, Cade announces he is going to ride his bike. Now, after puking all over Angela when she tried to teach him how to swallow a pill, I was very leery on how this one was going to go. And, since Cade is deaf in one ear due to his middle ear not formed correctly - it leads to some of his coordination and balance issues.

But, Cade, surprising us all, took off and didn't look back. (Of course, we are also teaching him now how to stop and not just fall off - but that's what helmets are for!)

Becky and the boys (minus Titus) took off for Houston today to visit friends. They will pick up Aidan Thursday afternoon at the Houston airport when he arrives for Belize.

Titus and I are hanging out at the house. Lisa is with him during the day, and I'll take care of him during the night. His cough has improved a lot since last week, but he is still having some heavy secretions. We have a new medication that we started yesterday and will see how that helps.

Please continue to pray for Aidan in Belize. We've been getting reports and seen some pictures and it looks like he is having a great time.

Monday, March 15, 2010

First for Titus

On Saturday, we had a small family outing to PetSmart to pickup several items for Jude. As we drove up, we made a decision to see how Titus would do in a shopping cart instead of getting his stroller out. As we sat him in the cart, his little hands gripped the bar in front of him. We padded the sides with his blanket and Becky's purse to provide him a little support and off we went. And he did great! He held on tightly and kept his head up. At the end of the trip, he was starting to tire and lean back a bit, but it was encouraging to see him handle a new task.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Story - Aidan

As Aidan has prepared for his AWOL Belize mission trip, he wrote out his testimony. And since our pastor's series at church is "What's Your Story?" and there's an associated website (,  Aidan has put his testimony out there.

But, I wanted you to read what he has to say - I am so proud of my son and ask that you pray for him this week as they minister and witness to people in Belize. There are 48 youth that went on the trip and they will be working in 11 different churches in Belize City. Several have asked of us if we felt nervous about Aidan going overseas without one of us and our answer is "no - we have a total peace". And we know it's because God provides a perfect peace when you know you are doing His will (or your son is obedient to God's will.)

So here's his story.

My name is Aidan. I am a 7th grader at First Baptist Church of McKinney. I have gone to church all my life, ever since I was a little baby and have never been perfect. I have always whined and complained just as much as everybody else and I always said “Thank You” because my parents told me to. I always felt empty and that I lacked something on the inside. I became a Christian when I was in 1st grade when my teacher asked if anyone would like to become one, but I did not quite understand what it meant and was to shy to go talk with the teacher about it. I told my parents several months later when my mom asked “Are you a Christian Aidan?” My dad sat down and talked with me about it. Many years later I went to a Student Life conference when I was in fourth grade with my dad. This was when I really got in touch with the Lord. He spoke to me and taught me how to worship. Then when I was in 6th grade my church did a kick start weekend which taught me how to pray. Then my parents had a baby. His name is Titus. Titus has some special challenges, he could not swallow and it is very hard for him to breath. Titus has helped me to understand the power of prayer and that I needed to trust God with everything even my little brother’s life. I now believe with all my heart God sent His one and only son Jesus to die on the cross for my sin and yours to. Jesus loves you so very much and wants you to be a part of His family. I now thank God everyday for that, and ask him to forgive my sin. I feel so full of the over- whelming love of Jesus Christ. Now when I say “Thank You” I say it because I am thankful to the Lord for giving me things to be thankful for. Do you want to become a Christian? If you do just pray to Jesus tell Him that your sorry for your sins and to forgive them, ask him to come and live in your heart. I hope that is what you want if you do He’ll give it to you completely for free, all you have to do is ask.

In Christ’s love,


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hey Jude

Meet Jude - the newest member of the family.

Ok, I know what your thinking - are you guys crazy getting a puppy? 

But, you have to hear the story. I am always on the lookout to rescue golden retrievers. We found Quita for free and she has been the best dog. Last year, I found Ginger who had been dumped in the country with a litter of puppies - and after a few weeks she went to live with one of Titus' therapist - and she has been a delight for her.

So, this week, when I saw a notice for a free AKC Golden Retriever 8-week old puppy who was blind in one eye . . . well, I knew it was meant for us (especially the free part). I drove out to pick him up and then drove home. I called Becky and asked her to meet me in the front yard (yes - I did all of this without telling my wife). Becky took one look at him and fell in love. 

He is quite docile and Quita is doing great with him. Last night, I was watching a movie in the media room and both dogs were with me on the sofa, curled up together asleep. As you can tell from the picture, he's 1/2 the size of Tucker and weighs almost as much as Tucker. Right now, he's on a very strict feed, wake, sleep schedule, with very limited freedoms around the house (some of you will understand that reference and some of you won't - but we've learned, if it works with the kids, it works with the dog). If he's not in his crate, he is on a leash next to our side. Jude and Titus are getting to know each other, but right now, Jude thinks Titus is a squishy chew toy, so they aren't spending too much time together. But Titus loves to run his hands over his fur.

I'll write more later - Aidan left this morning for Belize for his mission trip.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Cough Still Remains

Titus still has a hacking cough this week. And although it seems to improve slightly each day, he's still hacking/coughing more than usual.

Other than that - life in the Daily house has been busy. Becky's sister, Angela is in town visiting from Michigan. The boys are enjoying seeing "A". Tucker starts baseball next week - he's so excited he can hardly wait. Aidan leaves next Friday for his mission trip to Belize - and he's so excited he's been packing for the last week.

Becky and I also finish facilitating our Growing Kids God's Way class this week and will be starting a Moral Innocence class at the end of the month - so all in all, things are quite busy around the household.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Back to Routine

Titus is back to his normal routine. He went back to therapy today and is his normal, happy self. There's still a bit of congestion, but it's clear and manageable. The last few nights, he has had good sleep (which means we have had good sleep.)

I will write more later this week - I'm currently swamped at work and don't have a lot of spare time, but wanted to get the word out that Titus is doing great. Thanks again for your prayers - we never take it for granted.