Saturday, June 20, 2009

3 years: Happy Homecoming Cade

With the hustle and bustle of the last several weeks of illness, I didn't get the chance to post this. But, better late than never.

To my precious Cader-Tot,
Three years ago, we brought you home kicking and screaming from Korea. It had to be one of the most traumatic experiences of both our lives. For you, everything you knew and were familiar with changed in an instant when they placed you in our arms in that van and we took off for the airport. We had tried to play and get to know you for 4 days, and you would not have anything to do with us. And then on that morning, it was just the 3 of us in the taxi.

You fought hard. You kicked, hit, bit, and screamed. You were terrified.
And so were we (although we were too scared to verbalize it with each other). But as you were throwing that fit, I knew that here was a boy that had strength, that had resolve, and that knew how to fight. And I knew that one day, one day, you would love us.

I remember after we landed after the longest 24 hours of our lives, and you walked out holding our hands and met your brothers. And you smiled and laughed (and we looked at each other and knew there was hope). And as the days, weeks, and months passed, you changed into a happy, loving child.
You have grown so much over the last 3 years (literally and figuratively). You are my singing child, my laughing child, and my very opinionated child. You can be my snuggler, but you can also be my stubborn one.

What a joy it is to be your father, to watch you grow, to train you in the right ways, and to watch you with your brothers. You bring joy to my life.

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