Monday, February 15, 2010

Yes - He Needs a Haircut

Titus needs a haircut - and the pictures really point it out. But his hair is one of those things that has changed so much the past few months. It use to be so course and brittle on top, and it's just gotten softer and softer. We were looking at Noah's baby pictures and the resemblance between the two of them at this stage is quite cute.

Plus, Titus loves the tv - If his back is turned to it, he will turn his head or arch back until he can see it. I keep telling Becky that we really need a larger TV (1080p, DLP, 60-70 inch) over the fireplace. I think it would really improve his therapy - don't you agree?


Susie said...

Oh my! Beautiful blog, beautiful family, beautiful Titus! And yes, I agree with one of your earlier posts . . "life is good and life is hard, but through it all, grace abounds." Praying for you all!

Brent McWilliams said...

I think a 70" flatscreen would be the turning point in Titus's therapy. Speaking as one man to another.