Titus Beck is 8 months old today. Any my little buddy celebrated by sleeping 5 hours last night without oxygen! Titus has gotten quite good about pulling his canula out of his nose. On Friday, he not only pulled it out of his nose, but also ripped off the band-aid-like adhesives that help hold it on his face. Last night, we went to check on him before heading to bed and his oxygen sats were at 100%. I then checked his face and sure enough, his canula was below his chin. We decided to wait awhile and test how long he would go since he was in a deep sleep. And, he went 5 hours. I checked him on through-out the night and his sats were still 100% - so this is great progress.
He continues to do better about sleeping through the night - no longer waking at 4-5am for playtime. And that means, we are all getting more sleep. What a blessing!
In the last few weeks, we've had several important things occur. Titus has been fitted for hearing aids and should be getting those in the next few weeks. This is just part of the therapy needed as we progress toward the cochlear implants. It may/may not make much of a difference in what he can actually hear, but it's part of the process.
We have been approved for Medically Dependent Children's Program (MDCP) in the state of Texas. But there are still several steps that have to be completed. Titus does have Medicaid coverage as of June 4, but to be finally approved for MDCP, he will need to spend the night at a state-approved nursing home. (Actually, he has to check in by 5pm and can check out at midnight). But for those things to happen, there is a whole lot more of paperwork to complete and fill out. We are working through that this week. MDCP will allocate funds toward at-home nursing care for Titus along with other benefits. And Medicaid will pay for therapy whereas my insurance only paid for 20 therapy visits (already exhausted).
As we look back over the last 8 months, we see how God has graciously provided for us and Titus. For example, we have 2 incredible women who have been donating breast milk for Titus. We are able to mix that with formula for our feeds. We believe that has helped him tremendously. In the last 8 months, we've only purchased formula twice since others have donated boxes/cans of the special formula he needs.
But moreover, we've been given the opportunity to be a witness. Numerous times, Becky has been at the doctor's office or out with Titus and people come up and ask "how do you do it". Everyone seems to be amazed that we can function with Titus needs, and keep up with 4 other boys, homeschool, teach parenting classes, and still have fun. The question comes from other parents, from medical professionals, from friends - and the answer is always the same. If we trust that God is sufficient and we trust in His plan, then who am I to challenge/question that? If God has stated he will supply all my needs, who am I to be demanding? If God has stated that Titus is "wonderfully and fearfully made", then who am I to say that he's not? If God has stated "fear not", then who am I to stand here afraid of the unknown?
That doesn't mean we haven't been sad, it doesn't mean we haven't shed numerous tears, it doesn't mean we haven't cried out to God, it doesn't mean that there are days we've been depressed. But it does mean that we have learned (and are still learning) to trust in God's plan and to continue to let our light shine in a dark world.
2 Corinthians 4 has always been one of my favorite chapters. And verse 16-18 states
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."Please pray for these things:
- Paperwork for MDCP will be completed and accurate
- Nursing Home visit can be scheduled and completed soon
- Therapy appointments can be scheduled and re-started soon
- Titus breathing will continue to improve so we can get off oxygen
- Aidan and Noah have Fine Arts camp next week - both have speaking parts and are incredibly excited.
- Family vacation on August 28 - Sept 3 to Family Camp in Indianna
Praise for these items
- July is our month of birthdays - Tucker turned 4, Noah turned 10, and Paul turned "old". (Ok - Paul turned 47)
- Becky and Paul celebrate 14 years of marriage on the 16th
- Aidan and Noah (along with their cousin Nathan as sponsor) had a great time at Journey Camp last week.
We've stated before, but we want to repeat how incredibly blest and thankful we are for friends who continue to lift us up in prayer on a daily basis. We are so humbled.
Paul & Becky