Thursday, July 2, 2009

Back Home

Becky and the boys got home around 8pm last night. Everyone was tired and ready for bed. I fed Titus, and gave him his nebulizzer and CPT - he fell asleep in my arms.

And then . . . I laid him in bed and the child woke up, giggled and smiled because he realized he was in his bed, and then played in his crib till 11pm. He was squealing so loud you could hear him all over the house. At one point, his alarm went off and I went in to check and he had pulled his oxgyen canula off his face, pulled the canula apart (that's a first), and was swinging it around his bed. (Can you say little stinker).

His eye is still swollen. What we thought was a stye was actually a chalazion, an infected, blocked oil gland in the eyelid. They had to cut it out since it was quite large. So although my happy boy is glad to be home, his eye still looks quite red and swollen. It should go down in the next few days.

Thanks for the prayers and support!

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