Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Titus has been wearing leg braces several hours a day for the last few months. He was measured for a chair and "stander" a few months back and it arrived today. Titus was asleep when they placed him in the stander. It can recline or move to a standing position. Although he is strapped in, it helps to strengthen his muscles.

He woke up after they got him in, looked around, and started playing. He really enjoyed it and it will be another great tool to assist him at home. It's on wheels, so we can move it around the house.
Titus also had an appointment at Scottish Rite Hospital this week. They checked the curve of his spine, and it has moved very slowly (which is good). From what the doctors stated, he shows a lot of strength in his legs, but the same level of strength is not in his upper body yet. Time will tell how far he will progress, but as the doctor stated, we'll just have to see if he will be able to walk or not. It's very slow process, but we do notice progress - it's just very slow.
I'm so proud of my little boy - he works so hard, and although he does play, at times it feels like everything we do with him is therapy-related. And although we knew the stander was coming today, it took my breath away to walk in and see him it. He was happy and smiling and playing, but it's just hard to see your son strapped to a device. I had to take a deep breath, quelch the lump in my throat, and cheer him on. I took him out, took off his braces and massaged his feet and legs. And he looked at me and smiled and laughed.
Dear Lord, may I learn to be that gracious and accepting when the stress of life straps me down. My precious son, you teach me things I would have never learned.

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