Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We leave on vacation tomorrow. I have been working feverishly to cram 5 days of work into 2 days so that when we take off, I can truly leave work behind for a few days (but somehow get the strange feeling that will not happen.) It is strange how a small handheld device can eminate such guilt when it buzzes and you don't pick it up - or how you feel lost without it when it's not in your possession.

But, my main reason for posting is to request prayer for Titus on the trip. He has been incredible over the past month (except for dermatology issues). His breathing has improved tremendously - in fact, he's down to 1/8 on oxygen and there are times we just take it off altogether (but keep him on the monitor). He's maintaining his oxygen sats longer and longer.

He does have a bad (and I mean glaring-third-eye) stye on his left eye. His lower eyelid is swollen and it looks like it could erupt at any minute but hasn't. He went to the doctor yesterday who wants to observe it a little longer, but can do surgery to remove once we get back from vacation if it continues.

So, we will appreciate your prayers as we drive to Indianna for family camp. This is our favorite weekend of the year with friends. The boys are besides themselves with excitement and Becky and I are looking forward to spending some time with good friends. So we are off to zip, blob, fish, and climb (and enjoy some cooler weather).

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