Sunday, February 15, 2009


Titus had a good day in the PICU. He's quite the anomoly to the doctors - they really aren't quite sure what to do. He still has the rash although it's not as pronounced. His fever is pretty much gone - not like the several days of 100 and 102. And, he's only had 2 apnea issues while napping each day. His CRP levels and white blood count are coming down (but not quite to normal range). But he took a nap in my lap this afternoon and was almost back to his normal self today.

They are going to conduct a sleep test tomorrow. We've had one done before - but this will be 24 hour test - so we know at this point that Titus will at least be there till Tuesday. And, along with everything else, he's teething. It looks like he has more teeth on top coming in (he's definitely making up for lost time in the teeth department).

So my request tonight is for wisdom and discernment for the doctors. Although Titus seems to be recovering, they just aren't sure yet if it's a viral infection or bacterial infection, what caused it and truly what to do about it.

And, we had one more thing happen today - frankly, I'm not sure if I'm steamed, disgusted, or sympathetic about it.

I brought lunch up after I went to church for Becky and I. The waiting room today was full as Becky and I sat at one of the small tables to eat. One of the men waiting struck up a conversation with us while he was watching over his girls. Another man kept going to the doors and peeking through the windows. He kept trying the door handle. Since the PICU is a locked unit, you have to be buzzed in or go in when the doors are open when someone comes out. Since we've spent so much time there and are quite comfortable with all the protocol, Becky mentioned if he wanted in to just hit the buzzer and they would let him in.

His response was - "no, just looking for my wife. Why would I want to go back there - it's depressing." And then he walked off.


Part of me wanted to pull him aside and tell him a little about "depressing", but I chose to keep my mouth shut. But the more I thought about it and in concert with the sermon I heard this morning, I realized that is the worlds response. Sick kids are "depressing". Why would I want to interupt my perfect world to be around that. As long as things are going my way, then why should I care about anyone else.

Well, here's why.

Because we live in a world that doesn't value human life, I find it all the more important to say, my child is worth it.

Because we live in a world that would rather have convenience over sacrifice, I find it important to give up my selfishness to care for my boys.

Because we live in a world that would rather live for themselves than obey, I find it important to say, I will obey the voice of my God saying "Love one another".

Because we live in world that would rather spend $4 on a cup a coffee, but won't give a dime to the One who provides it all, I choose to give my money and my time to ministry.

Because we live in a world that takes even a simple breath for example, I weep over watching my own son struggle to breathe and I realize, nothing - NOTHING should be taken for granted.

Because I live in world that God loves so much that he sent his only son to die for my sins so that I could spend forever with him in a glorious place with no pain, no sorrow, and no disease.

So Mister, I'm sorry you had to spend your Sunday afternoon in PICU waiting room where you are unable to deal with going back to visit a sick child because it's depressing. I pray you are never in that situation where people won't tend to you because it may depress them. And I pray your eyes will be open to see beyond yourself to world that hurts.


Anonymous said...

Preach on Brother Paul. That's the best message I have heard today. We are to be the one's who care because it is what our Savior commands & has demonstrated for us.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful message. You are right I hope someday his health won't depress anyone. You are a better man than I am. I would have liked to think I could have kept my mouth shut....but I know me too well.
